Hollywood: Courtney Love's daughter was almost 'Bella'

Article: Courtney Love's daughter was almost Twilight's Bella

Source: OSEN via Nate

1. [+147, -2] Thank god she wasn't

2. [+68, -2] She looks more like Edward's good natured older cousin than Bella...?

3. [+53, -1] I bet no one would've watched Twilight then

4. [+13, -1] Kristen did wrong but she's the best for the role of Bella

5. [+10, -1] I think she'd be totally gorgeous if she lost some weight... She's the spitting image of her father.

6. [+10, -0] Kristen Stewart's way better... haha...

7. [+10, -0] Directors, thank you for making the right choice. You almost failed the movie ㅋ

8. [+9, -1] Thank god...

9. [+6, -0] The movie would've failed so bad...

10. [+5, -0] No.
