Follow Up: Andy and Onew

Article: First Andy and now Onew? Male idols being sexually harassed

No Cut News via Nate

1. [+237, -31] If a man commits a sexual crime against a woman, it's all over the news and he's treated as the nation's devil while simultaneously exiled from the industry.. but when a woman does it to a man, you're supposed to just laugh it off as a joke??

2. [+192, -7] I saw the video, I'd definitely feel dirty if I were him

3. [+201, -51] Imagine if they did that to a girl ㅋㅋㅋ Putting their hands inside a girl's pants to touch her butt ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Instant exile.

4. [+37, -2] The person that touched Onew's butt is a crossdressing man, not a woman... Anyway, I never liked how people always viewed sexual harassment against men as a joke and only take it seriously when it happens to a woman.

5. [+33, -6] I'm a girl and just reading this article pisses me off... What's wrong with these ajummas? How low do they view Andy and Onew to treat them that way?

6. [+21, -2] I haven't seen Andy's yet so I don't know how bad it was but I did see gifs of Onew's and it was really bad ㅡㅡ

7. [+18, -0] I didn't think it was that bad when I first read about it but when I searched Onew's sexual harassment, the man even tried to stick his fingers in his hole

8. [+16, -0] There's no question about it being sexual harassment. IT doesn't make it okay just because they're male idols.

9. [+15, -0] I thought everyone was making a big deal about this Onew thing until I saw the gifs ㅡㅡ It was so gross, I can't even imagine how Onew felt

10. [+13, -3] Imagine if they were female, the backlash would be worse than it is now
