CL is #1 in Yang Hyun Suk's heart

Article: 'The Baddest Female' CL "Yang Hyun Suk CEO says that I'm the #1 in his heart"

Source: News 24 via Naver + Nate

1. [+1,851, -43] You may be #1 in his heart but the #1 in his wallet is Psy

2. [+1,178, -149] I'm a YG fan but CL's solo song is just not doing for me. The rapping, the styling, the overall song is just cheap sounding.

3. [+905, -62] Pretty sure Psy's #1 in his heart. Look at all the money he makes him.

4. [+752, -80] I just don't like all this media play

5. [+602, -42] The song sucks. If it didn't have the CL label on it, the song wouldn't even rank in the top 100.

6. [+226, -45] Trash song with the best media play... Lee Hyori's media play was pretty bad but CL... I personally love CL but I can' teven put my disappointment into words with this

7. [+206, -32] Let's be honest, this song just sucks. Didn't meet anyone's expectations.

8. [+169, -28] YG tried to hook her up with Lee Hyori so hard and yet in the rankings, they're worlds apart...
