Suzy bursts into tears at mention of difficult schedule

Article: Suzy bursts into tears during conference, was her busy schedule too much?

Source: TV Report via Nate + Naver

Lee Seung Gi: "The thing I feel bad for Suzy about is that whenever she finally has a day off, she has to spend it filming CFs. I don't think she has any free time to herself. They say that she's a 10 billion won CF star and I've been called that myself so I can tell you that the real amount we earn is not close to that."

1. [+680, -92] JYP's breadwinner Suzy... I feel bad for her

2. [+560, -77] Please let her rest when Gu Family Book ends... She's still so young, imagine how hurt she is

3. [+489, -66] Even though she's young and always smiling, it's always the people who smile often that harbor pain and difficulties inside. I hope that only good things happen to her.

4. [+99, -19] JYP's breadwinner...

5. [+113, -33] Suzy, find strength ㅠㅠ JYP, stop working her like a dog, she's going to faint

6. [+103, -24] Sincerely hope she can rest for a few months with no schedules after her drama ends. Money and popularity are important but health should come first. Recharge your energy and comeback, how upsetting..

7. [+96, -27] How difficult must it be for her that she just bursts into tears like that.. Breaks my heart

8. [+72, -13] I think miss A is soon going to be thrown away except for Suzy. JYP changed their contract conditions so that they don't split individual income anymore but to members keeping what they earn. The other members aren't even working so what're they living off of? They're going to be forgotten soon...

9. [+67, -18] I'm glad she has seniors like Lee Seung Gi and Yoo Dong Geun by her side

10. [+74, -26] Find strength, Suzy!!!
