Junhyung reveals he's fine when asked about break up with Hara

Article: Yong Junhyung confesses his feelings after break up with Goo Hara "I'm fine"

Source: Mydaily via Nate

1. [+367, -25] Who actually reads scandal articles about idols and expects them to go all the way to marriage?? They're all so young and still early in their careers, isn't it expected for them to date around and break up??? I really don't see what's so surprising about idols breaking up ㅋㅋ If anything, I thought they lasted longer than people expected.

2. [+243, -20] It's not like he committed a crime or anything, everyone breaks up in relationships... The only thing he should watch out for is his body suddenly turning disabled when it comes time for him to enlist like a certain someone ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Just make sure you enlist properly and no one will care

3. [+204, -62] I don't get why journalists ask these things...

4. [+47, -5] Let me make a prediction, too: Hyeri and Tony will break up

5. [+43, -21] First round of fame came from Goo Hara, second round of fame came from being known as G-Dragon's copy machine, third round of fame came from his tryhard attitude on Twitter.

6. [+36, -18] I usually think all of the idol relationships are about similar level but this was the first relationship that I thought the girl could do far better;;;

7. [+36, -12] This kid is secretly in love with G-Dragon

8. [+21, -8] You may be the counterfeit G-Dragon but make sure you don't copy his marijuana ways

9. [+15, -4] Now's your chance! Confess your love to G-Dragon!

10. [+13, -4] It's been two months since they broke up, has this journalist been living under a rock?
