'Little Psy' 8 year old Hwang Min Woo to debut as a singer

Article: '8 year old debut' Hwang Min Woo controversy... "using him for business" vs "we will meet his needs"

OSEN via Nate

1. [+428, -40] He's going to end up like Wang Suk Hyun.... A child's life will be ruined through the greed of his parents...

2. [+437, -68] He doesn't have the face to become popular. Just leave him to study. He only got popular because of Gangnam Style... He doesn't have what it takes to make a career out of this.

3. [+378, -22] He's not that great of a singer. He only became famous for resembling Psy.

4. [+58, -4] I was always turned off by him because he never seemed to act his age;;; and his parents seem really greedy as well. Shouldn't they dress him appropriately for his age;

5. [+57, -0] His parents are absolutely greedy. His father married a Vietnamese woman who's only a year older than his eldest daughter and used his son's face to promote his international marriage business. How can you trust a man like him to think he's doing the best he can for his son by debuting him as a singer? Hwang Min Woo himself is only known as that little kid who looks like Psy.


Article: '8 year old debut' Hwang Min Woo controversy... "using him for business" vs "we will meet his needs"

OSEN via Naver

1. [+855, -25] Children are the most beautiful when they act their age. I remember watching a documentary on him and he seems to have lost all of his innocence because he's already used to the way TV works... I had to change the channel.

2. [+816, -17] I saw him sitting at the presidential inauguration. Making him think he's a big shot will only make him grow up to be more arrogant.

3. [+786, -19] He doesn't seem like a little kid at all... His and Min Ha's parents should realize that what they're doing to their children is ruining them

4. [+549, -17] What are his parents thinking? He should be learning addition and subtraction and running around making friends... I saw him on TV once and he looked like he already had a celebrity disease;;;; I feel so bad for him... His life is over once his popularity ends.

5. [+433, -18] The greed of adults..
