Fans run a newspaper ad for Taeyeon's 25th birthday

Article: Taeyeon's 25th birthday, fans put out ads on buses and in newspapers 'attention'

Source: Financial news via Naver

1. [+1,163, -58] I feel like if our country ever got into a war, our country's fangirls and fanboys would pool all their money to help their idols escape overseas

2. [+863, -60] I wonder if these fans ever cooked up a pot of seaweed soup for their parents or written them a letter?

3. [+796, -44] Should've used that money to donate to UNICEF or another charity under Taeyeon's name instead

4. [+647, -17] Maybe because they're male fans, but the design is really tacky

5. [+652, -45] The design's so tacky... although Taeyeon's pretty...

6. [+569, -5] Seems like the fandom doesn't have a web designer...

7. [+537, -31] I don't like Soshi but why did they choose that picture... There are tons of pretty pictures to choose from ㅡㅡ;;;

8. [+259, -9] I prefer fandoms getting together for idol birthdays and donating or volunteering their time to the less fortunate...

9. [+254, -27] And yet they don't see that their parents are breaking their backs to make that money.. tsk tsk tsk.. Just congratulate their birthday on your own instead of wasting your parent's money

10. [+183, -30] Fans did it to create a meaningful event for their star and yet they don't realize that doing things like this only cuts down the star's image with the public
