Top brand names as chosen by college students

Article: What are the best brands as chosen by college students?

Source: TV Report via Nate

Sneakers - Nike
Fashion - UNIQLO
Convenience Store - CU
Instant Ramen - Yukgaejang
Hangover Drink - Oriental Raisin Condition
Pizza - Mr. Pizza
Laptop - Samsung SENS
Smartphone - Samsung Galaxy
Public Broadcast Channel - MBC
Saturday Variety - Infinity Challenge
Sunday Variety - Running Man
Idol Group (Overall) - SISTAR
Male Students - SISTAR
Female Students - Big Bang

1. [+409, -32] I'm really curious... Do people really think UNIQLO clothes are pretty? It's not a cheap brand either.. I don't know why there are so many stores..;;

2. [+279, -37] I can see why Infinity Challenge was chosen, but MBC? Are they crazy ㅋㅋㅋ

3. [+203, -16] UNIQLO as a company itself has a lot of controversies but I don't buy it because of the quality.
