Same Old: Kangin

Article: Kangin's transformation to make you want to diet
TV Daily via Nate

1. [+356, -57] Kangin Gusok (jail) Youngwook Geose (castration)

2. [+299, -63] Never forget Kangin Gusok

3. [+333, -69] He was out drinking with his friends when he started assaulting people then he got caught lying about how he didn't do it then he got caught again lying about reflecting when he was drunk driving.. What a pig of a criminal

4. [+16, -12] Can we have the next criminal come in the room

5. [+14, -12] (TN: an insanely long list of famous quotes/Korean proverbs with Kangin as a [arpdy.. etc 'Don't let the Elfs know of Kangin's imprisonment' quote by Lee Soon Shin, 'Kangin, be jailed' (Boys, be ambitious), 'Work as if you'll live 100 years and live as if Kangin will be jailed tomorrow', etc...)
