Park Myung Soo announces plans for an international advancement

Article: Park Myung Soo "I'm preparing for an international advancement, I'll be making a drastic decision soon"

Newsen via Nate

1. [+454, -57] I like Park Myung Soo and everything but I think he's too ambitious compared to his level of talent.......

2. [+408, -12] Jung Hyung Don: Hyung, you should begin by advancing into SBS first~ㅋㅋ

3. [+345, -65] How is he expecting the international market with his skill level? He's not even doing enough with the projects he has at hand right now

4. [+59, -10] Pretty sure he should focus on rising as a main MC in our country first..

5. [+56, -8] Just... work hard in Korea.. Sorry to say this but he would've failed already if not for Yoo Jae Suk..ㅜㅜㅜ

6. [+41, -7] Aside from Infinity Challenge, he's not funny at all.. His career is already about to be over in Korea so why...
