Hyorin admits to getting plastic surgery

Article: Hyorin confesses to plastic surgery after revealing childhood photo "I got my double eyelids done"

Source: Newsen via Nate

1. [+135, -5] Wasn't she on Radio Star and said that she went to a plastic surgeon once but didn't end up doing it because the surgeon said that if she fixed one thing on her face, she'd have to fix everything to match it...?

2. [+129, -9] She's a great singer no doubt but I think she missed out completely on her mother's genes

3. [+131, -16] She was on Radio Star adamantly arguing that she never got plastic surgery.. So she basically lied? Why lie if the truth's going to come out anyway? She did her eyes, laminated her teeth, got her breasts augmented...

4. [+25, -5] The trap is that she's still not pretty despite getting work done

5. [+17, -4] Better Hyorin than idols who are singers because they have pretty faces

6. [+14, -2] Why ruin your image by lying.. This is frustrating. Just admit it the first time, what's the point of denying it and then coming out and admitting it? At least stick to your lie..

7. [+14, -1] We all know her breasts are the creation of a doctor so why lie ㅋㅋㅋ

8. [+12, -1] Her father's fault...... (TN: Reference to Hyorin missing her mother's genes)


Article: Hyorin reveals beautiful mother "Younger than Kim Yong Man" absolute youth

Source: Newsen via Nate

1. [+491, -15] Hul, she's way prettier than Hyorin~;;

2. [+376, -8] Totally surprised at how beautiful her mother is

3. [+319, -12] I seriously thought Hyorin's sister was on the show for a second! So, so pretty! Even the way she talks, you wouldn't even guess she was an ajumma
