CFs cancel contracts with Park Shi Yeon due to her negative image associated with propofol investigations

Article: [Exclusive] "CF terminated, dongseng's wedding"... negative effects of Park Shi Yeon's police investigations

Dispatch via Nate

The negative image of being associated with the propofol investigations has caused CF companies and advertisers to consider swapping her out or canceling their contracts altogether. Meanwhile, she's stressed over having to meet friends and family and how they'll view her at her younger sister's upcoming wedding.

1. [+141, -19] Journalist, you do realize that you're making her situation worse by releasing these types of articles, right?

2. [+123, -23] There's nothing that's been confirmed yet so let's not make our judgements on her so hastily...

3. [+55, -2] I used propofol once. You don't see illusions or anything but you do wake up feeling refreshed, like you took a nice, long sleep. Like all of your fatigue is being washed away. There's none of that groggy feeling you usually get when you wake up from surgery. If these celebrities really got propofol often for their dermatology treatments, then I can see how they'd get addicted to it. The way I see it, the doctors should be just as responsible for knowing the effects and using these stars for their money.

4. [+14, -9] What a downhill life for Shi Yeon now ㅋㅋㅋ

5. [+12, -1] Truly another example of how important image is to a celebrity ㅠㅠ
