What should Park Jin Young name his new puppy?

Article: Park Jin Young reveals the puppy that stole his breath away "What should I name her?"

Source: TV Daily via Nate

1. [+899, -17] JYP (in a whisper)

2. [+652, -22] Steamy since he likes steamed rice cakes.

3. [+342, -25] Ddukgo (rice cake gorilla)

4. [+95, -0] JYP: When this dog barks, she barks with half air half sound. (A type of singing style Park Jin Young always advises contestants on K-Pop Star to try)

5. [+67, -6] Gonggiban (half air)

6. [+37, -0] Soriban (half sound)

7. [+27, -1] Patdduk (red bean rice cake)

8. [+26, -0] Adopt another one. Name one Sori, the other one Gonggi.

9. [+26, -0] Looks like dog barked in half air half sound to have captivated him this much.
