Hollywood: Pattinson breaks up with Stewart

Article: Pattinson breaks up with Stewart once again... In agreement to a word of advice "She will ruin you"

Mydaily via Nate

1. [+721, -34] To me, it just feels like they faked their relationship for the movie and now that it's over, they're just saying they're breaking up since they don't have to put up the front anymore

2. [+532, -9] People that have never gone through this situation will probably never understand how difficult it is to forgive and continue meeting someone that cheated on you. It's miserable thinking about them being with a person other than you, and the feeling of betrayal never really leaves you, it stays in your heart... Don't hurt the people that love you.

3. [+292, -20] Hul, I thought they were getting married

4. [+45, -7] Didn't they get back together to promote the movie anyway?

5. [+34, -4] Well now that the movie's over, it's about time they break up
