Netizens pick up on Korean media outlets' bias on Psy's reports

So the Korean media is still reporting only one side of Psy's case, and I mentioned before how I thought it was weird that they refused to acknowledge that he is indeed being criticized by Americans, and it seems netizens picked up on it as well.


Article: Psy, the best apology to keep the respect of both Korea and America

Mediaus via Nate

1. [+423, -32] The Korean media is reporting as if Americans accepted Psy's apology and that they think it wasn't anything to apologize over, but the reality of the situation can be seen in the replies on Yahoo news. Replies with over 2,000 votes are all asking why he's only apologizing now and how he's giving a heartless apology just to make more money in America. The sentiment on him is gravely negative, so why isn't our country's media reporting the truth? I'm not trying to defend America, I'm just saying don't distort the truth.

2. [+265, -157] It doesn't matter who started spreading the song around. The fact that a song like that exists means that it was bound to come out sooner or later. Stop trying to hunt down the community that spread it and turning them into traitors that took down 'national hero' Psy.

3. [+90, -20] What's funny to me is people are forgetting what happened to Jay Park and how he was completely ousted from the media. How angry were we? Although the misunderstandings have been cleared now, it's easy to understand America's point of view when we put ourselves in their shoes through the Jay Park scandal

4. [+65, -13] What a bullsh*t article ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Psy's getting fu*ked in America right now, don't lie ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

5. [+57, -12] There are no secrets in this world. He's getting returned what he did in the past like a boomerang. Whatever the results are, I think it's important what he does from here on out and how he takes responsibility for it.
