JYJ still alienated from year-end ceremonies despite lawsuit win

Reader request.


Article: JYJ Kim Junsu, despite success of solo album, no invites to any year-end award ceremonies 'bitter'

Source: E-News via Nate

1. [+672, -127] Can we please see him on public broadcast already!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2. [+613, -118] I want to see him perform on stage on a public broadcast channel..

3. [+597, -123] I want to see him perform on a music program on public broadcast. He's not lacking in anything in singing or dancing... It's so sad that we can only see his stages at concerts ㅜㅜ

4. [+126, -16] This is the grim reality of our country. Anyone with power can control even what the public sees or listens to. And they call this Hallyu... Can they proudly call themselves a country of cultural exports?

5. [+122, -14] The lawsuit's already over and the court has already ordered that JYJ be allowed to promote as they wish and yet they are still not being treated right!!! They have no excuse this time!!!!! So dirty!!!!!!!! JYJ fighting!!!!!!
