Artists complain about the '2012 MAMA', Mnet deletes everything

Yesterday, I saw an article come up about actual artists that attended the MAMA complaining about how they were mistreated and how MAMA gave preference to other artists.

A few minutes later, Mnet came out with their own statement trying to clarify the complaints saying that the traffic in Hong Kong was to blame for everything that went wrong.

That's fine and all but when I came home a few hours later and checked my tabs, Mnet had apparently requested for the first article to be deleted and taken off Nate. Not cool AT ALL.

Although it's gone now, the replies were similar to what's in the second article. People basically complaining about how MAMA is a useless ceremony.


Article: Mnet reps "MAMA mistreating artists is a misunderstanding... Local traffic is to blame"

Star News via Nate

1. [+115, -3] So why do you insist on holding it overseas...

2. [+113, -34] MAMA is just a ceremony for SM and YG because they're both close with CJ and CJ actors. They try to make it seem all important by including all of Asia but we see right through them and that crap won't work with us.

3. [+101, -23] Just get rid of the ceremony, why do they even hold it overseas? We all know it's meaningless ^~^
