Lee Hyori's sexy photoshoot for 'Elle'

Article: Lee Hyori exposes cleavage in new photoshoot, don't know where to look... [PhotoEn]

Source: Newsen via Nate

1. [+852, -227] Why does this not look sexy to me

2. [+581, -38] My eyes already know where to look.

3. [+712, -199] Women: Hyor unni is jjang
Men: I feel nothing ㅡㅡ

4. [+104, -30] Hul, why are her tits sagging

5. [+95, -43] She doesn't look luxurious no matter how luxurious the clothing is... I guess you can't hide your roots

6. [+78, -33] Looks like she's sagging with age

7. [+76, -30] Why so much sagging? She hasn't even had a child

8. [+70, -10] Kim Hye Soo would match this photoshoot better

9. [+68, -28] Why does Hyuna get all the hate and Hyori get good replies? In my standards, they're both exposing skin.

10. [+67, -28] 34 year old ajumma! You can't be like this here!
